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Color Therapy Masterclass with Dr Jacob Israel Liberman.png

"The power of light
and color lies in a simple fact — light and life are inseparable."

- Jacob Israel Liberman



Light is the energetic foundation of the experience we call life. And colors are the vibrational equivalent of our life’s experiences.


Each of us has a unique response to color that reflects our relationship with life. Colors we are comfortable with relate to aspects of life we are able to easily embrace, while colors we find uncomfortable illuminate the unresolved issues of our life. By utilizing color in a systematic fashion, we gradually desensitize ourselves from the habitual triggers that catalyze stress, giving us the opportunity to live a full spectrum life. When this occurs, we begin to see more, feel more and be more.  â€‹


Over my many years of working with clients, I am often asked if I ever offer a course on my approach to using color, and specifically the use of the Spectral Receptivity System (SRS III) with individuals and groups. In response to that request, I am now offering a color therapy masterclass for those interested in facilitating this approach with others.


Based on more than 45 years of research and clinical experience, I will be sharing how the SRS III merges the art and science of color into a transformative protocol that supports us in navigating life’s challenges for the times we’re now living in.
















Experience the power of light and color, and join me for the first time as I share my newest discoveries in this live online course.​

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